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Thursday, December 4th, 2003

solar install, day 2

How to install a photovoltaic array in a few simple steps:

  1. Arrange for a licensed installer to bring two vans full of tools, a work crew of five, several boxes of hardware and a few hundred feet of triple-galvanized steel.
  2. Ferry a box of equipment up the ladder to the roof. Repeat endlessly.
  3. Measure and mark, drill and caulk. (That was yesterday.)
  4. photovoltaic module stanchionBuild a support rack for the PV modules. As you can see, our panels will be standing up from the roof, at an angle and direction calculated precisely to catch the most sun during those critical peak generation hours. We could have instead chosen a flush-mount design, but the reduced electrical output would have extended our payoff date by a year. (!) The angle is easier to see from below.
  5. Mount and wire panels. This happens tomorrow.

I watched the crew in awe today. I can’t imagine a less fun job than working on someone’s roof, fully exposed, during a cold rain, bolting a steel rack together. OK, wait, I can too. These are hearty souls, though. They were cheerful about it all. They put in a full day’s work up there in the drizzle.

posted to channel: Solar Blog
updated: 2004-02-22 22:49:16

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